The Magic Of Healing Rips Overnight

The Magic Of Healing Rips Overnight

The Magic Of Healing Rips Overnight

Thank you for taking the time to visit my new website, I can assure you it’s going to be one that you’ll want to bookmark!! It’s been an exciting couple of months behind the scenes, however, I’m pleased to announce that I am now the exclusive UK & EU distributor for Giddy Balm.

As I suspect there will be people reading this that are unfamiliar with the wonders of Giddy Balm, and how I stumbled across such a revolutionary product that heals skin conditions such as blisters and rips overnight. Flashback to 5 years ago, when I was training over 25 hours a week as a competitive gymnast. I was desperate to find something that would help my hands, (which were ripped to shreds and never had extensive amounts of time off to heal).

This was a common problem within the gymnastics world, however, there didn’t seem to be an effective solution. I tried EVERYTHING!! From expensive balms to DIY hacks I found on Google such as leaving a tea bag on overnight.

Nevertheless, after some time my prayers were answered when I stumbled across Giddy Balm. I must admit I was sceptical, but my hands were getting so bad that it limited my training so I was willing to try anything. As usual, I finished my gymnastics session with my hands bloody and raw, I cleaned them up and was ready to put Giddy to the test. When I woke up the next morning I was in complete shock, it had noticeably healed my rip overnight. But in case it was a fluke, I tested it out for a couple of weeks. Giddy Balm continued to surpass all expectations, and from that moment I knew I had found an effective solution for rips and blisters.

This product allows athletes to train to their full potential and the best part is, that this product is extremely affordable. As the product originated in America it wasn’t easily accessible to the UK & EU markets, so I made the decision to stock it on my former gymnastics business page.

Everyone went crazy for Giddy, and soon enough it was referred to as ‘magic in a tin’. Many people shared their positive experiences with Giddy Balm on Facebook forums, which helped Giddy establish a household name within the gymnastics community far and wide.

Why is Giddy Balm the superior hand balm on the market you may ask? Good question!! Many gymnasts including myself noticed their hands became tougher and more resilient to rips, this is because unlike other balms/salves on the market Giddy heals hands without softening them!!

Even after retiring from gymnastics my devotion to Giddy never stopped, I would use it for Eczema, burns, and blisters from shoes. Any skin irritation I had Giddy seemed to be the answer, and not just for me, my whole family are advocates of Giddy.

After doing some research I discovered there are many sports that result in skin blisters & rips,  so I’m making it my mission to introduce Giddy Balm into as many industries as possible. Including, crossfit, rowing, weight-lifting, rock climbing, ballet, running, tennis, surfing and kayaking. This is where my new venture comes into all this, I’m looking to work closely with Athletes and other individuals who think they could benefit from Giddy Balm. My goal is to expand and connect as many people with this extraordinary product within the UK & EU markets, and help as many athletes and individuals reach their full potential.

My inbox is always open for potential collaborations/opportunities where I can market Giddy Balm and of course any questions you may have. As a small business customer support goes a long way; testimonials, reviews, word of mouth, and engagement are all tremendously helpful and appreciated.

Keep up to date with the NEW social media accounts!!

Facebook- Giddy Balm
Instagram- @GiddyBalm
TikTok- coming soon
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